K4ZAD's Radio Information Site

Provided by N0NBH

Occasionally I have some radio related information thatmight be of interest to others. This site, a sub-domain of Inland Marine Radio History Archive, is the home for such information.


Transistor Pinouts: A page of pinout and base diagram information

DIYUHF TV Antenna: Dimensions & construction details for an indoor Gray-Hoverman UHF TV antenna built on two 24 by 36 inch foam boards.

Easy Frequency Search: Provides a unified way to search theFCC and Radio Locater records for AM and FM station information. Low frequency beacon information searches can also be done from this page.

Nighttime AM DX: PDF - A one-page, three-column, listing of nighttime DX targets for those living in North Carolina and nearby states.

Quilting Hoop Loop: A page with some information and pictures of my version of N7FKI's Quilting Hoop Loop

Radio & Test Equip, Manuals: Twenty + sources for manuals, instruction books and schematics

Shortwave Freq. Allocations: A PDF of the frequency bands allocated to the different radio services including a column showing the width of each band.

DIY Coil Calculators: A page with links to on-line coil/Inductance calculators - Find Inductance, dimensions, AL, wire length, permeability, etc.

Semiconductor Oddities and Negative Resistance: A collection of links and PDF documents on these topics.

Intl. Radio Call Sign Prefixes: A PDF listing of prefixes for all the countries on a single sheet.

Windows Sound Card Based Test Gear: 30+ links to Windows PC based test applications

Heathkit Gird Dip Meter GD 1B - Low frequency coil Kit #341A - Instructions - Correlation Chart

Digital TV Channels: DOWNLOAD a one page Excel Spreadsheet showing post-Repack channel info. for the Raleigh, NC area.

The Birth of Ham VHF-FM: The 1960s effort to encourage logical selection of frequencies for new VHF-FM nets. With links to historic documents.

W4DYE-W4GCE 1960s VHF FM Remote/Repeater Station A mini-memorial with photos of the site and equipment.

Contact Me

Main Site - The Inland Marine Radio History Archive

My Other Site - GE Mobile Radio History Archive

Last item added - 01/20/2024

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